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25 wooden walkway ideas to upgrade your home

    Good landscaping can add as much as 20 percent to a property’s value. Part of that landscaping includes a way to access it, whether through walkways, paths or cultivated areas.

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    Many people make great use of the area close to their home or building by installing wooden decks and then end up using a different landscape element to connect other areas of the space.

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    However, by using wood decking for more than just the deck itself, like walkways, you may actually be able to save money, lessen the maintenance requirements and add greater dimension to your landscape’s design.

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    Wooden walkways and pathways are a viable alternative to things like gravel or pavers, and can help give you a beautiful, durable and maintenance free landscape that complements the rest of your property.

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    These 30 ideas for wood walkways and paths will help give you a better idea of what’s possible for your property.

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    Sleek Wooden Walkway Ideas

    Contemporary Ideas For Home Wooden Walkway


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